Would you like your Ralphs grocery purchases to benefit Shoal Creek?
Up to 4% of your purchases can be earned for our school. Last year we earned over $2000! The more you shop, the more we earn. IT’S NOW A ONE TIME SET UP!
Click HERE to create a profile to enroll your Ralphs grocery card or you may call directly 1-800-443-4438.
Follow the steps to enroll by clicking "CREATE AN ACCOUNT."
Don’t already have a Ralphs grocery card? You can use an alternate ID, such as your phone number.
Open your new account and link your card to Shoal Creek by clicking on: "Community Rewards." Type in Shoal Creek Elementary Foundation for Organization Name then press “Search.”
Click on the circle to the left of our organizations’ name. Click on "Enroll" to finish and begin earning for our school all year long!
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED YOUR REWARDS CARD ON-LINE, thank you for supporting Shoal Creek Elementary. You can see how much you have contributed by clicking on the "Community Rewards" tab. Your earnings go toward funding our music teacher, impact teachers and computer technology programs. Spread the word and enroll your family and friends. It’s zero cost fundraising and it’s so easy!